1.1 Under the guidance in the Compliance Program, to maintain and improve the work style, with a good reputation reflecting QCC INSPECTION's core values, and creating better business values.
1.2 This program seeks to stop company actions contrary to the Compliance Program and to promote high standards:
2.1 This procedure applies to all shareholders of the company, officers, employees and consultants.
3.1 All employees of the Company shall be subject to the Compliance Program to ensure that our daily business runs properly. Each employee, no matter what department or position, must be familiar with and comply with all sections and points in the Compliance Program
3.2 All employees of the company must be committed to full compliance with local country's laws and regulations.
4.1 Any employee found to have violated the "Compliance Program", has the right to state their case before to the Compliance Committee.
4.2 If any employee is forcibly given improper benefits from customers/suppliers, factories or any other agency, they are required to immediately report this to the Compliance Officer or their direct manager.
4.3 If the informant is involved in the violation, it does not absolve his/her responsibility, but according to the reports and employee’s attitude it may be acceptable to give a lighter sentence or exempt them from punishment.
4.4 For employees who seriously violated the "Compliance Program", the Compliance Committee will subject him/her to disciplinary action, including termination of employment contract.
Compliance Officer, Coco Cao
Tel: 86 0513 89072095
Fax: 86 0513 89072095
E-mail: coco.cao@qualitycontrolchina.com